Hemley's Callawadda 200ml

Hemley's Callawadda 200ml

Brand: Hemleys
Condition: Near Mint
Type: Aerated Water Crown Seal Ceramic Label
$20.00 incl. GST
19 Available


Ceramic label soft drink bottle from Henley's of Callawadda in Western Victoria. This bottle is 200ml (ask me if I have any oz. bottles ), red and white ceramic label, crown seal and in near mint condition.

Callawadda is a small hamlet near the Goldfields town of Stawell.

Branding: Branding may vary slightly on these bottles.
Front: 200ml, Drink and Enjoy, Hemley's, Cool and Refreshing.
Back: Container not sold, Return quickly, You need the refund, We need the bottle, Bottled by Hemley's Aerated Waters, Callawadda, Vic. Preservative added, Artificially coloured.
Base: Agm, M 8, 708
Patent: Crown Seal
Town: Callawadda
State: Victoria
Country: Australia
Date: 1950
Condition: Damaged - Very Good - Near Mint - Mint - Pristine
Rarity: Common - Obtainable - Hard to Find - Rare - Extremely Rare