About Us

Picture: 2021 Geelong Antique Bottles & Collectables Day.
One of the first indoor collectables event post Covid Lockdown went off with a buzz and hum of like minded collectors catching up after many months of isolation. There were many good sales on the day and we were privileged to have a visitor from interstate. I'm looking forward to the next event.
The fascination of collecting antique bottles, for Ron started over 40 years ago. He now shows interest in any item that can be classed as an antique or collectable with a priority on Australian content. This is well displayed at the shop at 144 High Street, Avoca, Victoria. Or in the market stall 704 at The Castlemaine Vintage Bazaar.
Ron has long been involved with many Fairs, Shows and Events and held several Stalls at the various Antique Centres in Southern parts of Australia. The first Antique Bottles website was set up in 1996 and now in 2022 we have again revamped for your appraisal. Please visit regularly and enjoy.
The life of a historian or picker is spent in another time, a time when the laughter of several nationalities where the birth of one, a time when a single shot in the dark was the law of the night, or a place when the solo crack of a stock whip in the crisp fresh air would sound the awakening of all, and all would soon be raising glasses in cheers to the welcoming of new friends. A place where that elusive historical treasure can still be found.
We live at a fortunate time with the world at our finger tips, the ability to purchase almost anything online. Also growing is the ability to research our past with sites like Trove, NLA and many others continually posting long buried information, pictures and past local newspapers. It cannot all be hosted on one site – so look around, go on a cyber tour.
The growing world of collecting, researching, preserving or promoting our past heritage and the items that was once of every day usage is vast, too vast to be custodian to just a few. So I invite you to join the fraternity and venture down the road of discovery.
Ron seen here at the Warrnambool Antiques and Collectables Fair a few years ago with a couple of Royal Doulton Whisky items.
If you see Ron at a Show, Fair or wandering around tap him on the shoulder and say Hi.