Frequently Asked Questions

Questions about this website

What does the search key word search?

The search box will search all words and numbers in the Title of the item and the first description.


How do I contact the Antique Bottles website owner?

Use the contact page. Or try 0412 965 001 anytime, 03 5465 3887. All enquires are welcome and we will attempt to respond as quickly as is possible.


Questions in general about Antique Collectables

What makes an Antique?

Antique is something over 100 years old, however as Australia is a young country many items not over 100 years old are valued as collectables. We call some of them antique collectables, but they are actually just good old collectables.


What makes an Antique Collectable?

An antique that was made before today and has some value or interest to someone will eventualy become collectable. The reason an item is collectable can be as varied as the weather. One person may collect it because it comes from their home town another person may collect it because of a family connection or simply find it desirable.


What sets the value for an Antique?

Values for antiques will vary from non-collector to collector to dealer, depending on the interest a person shows in that item at that time. The main factors in setting the value are the desirability; colour, shape, appeal, relationship ... demand;  if 50 people want the antique then the value escalates - if only a few people want it then the value depreciates, rarity; if there is only one of the antique known then the value escalates, if there are many of the antique known then the value depreciates.


Where can I sell my antique collectables

Here at Antique Bottles we buy single items or collections of most types of antiques, collectables and assorted memorabilia.


Where is the next Antique fair, Bottle Show or Swap Meet?

Have a look in our web page Events. If you know of any annual show, fair or swap meet we have not listed email the details to us for possible listing.


Questions about Antique Bottles

Questions about Antique Bottles

Why does the Torpedo shaped bottle have a round end?

This is because in the olden days lemonade and soda water was kept in bottles which were sealed by cork and if the cork dried out the carbonated gas would escape through the air space between the side of the bottle and the cork, so as to prevent the gas escaping the bottle would be laid on its side to keep the cork wet - same as wine bottles are laid on their side.


Why do some bottles go purple or amethyst?

This is because of the magnesium that was mixed into the glass at the time of manufacture, when the magnesium is exposed to sunlight the ultra violet rays can turn the magnesium in the glass from clear to amethyst, sometimes the colour can be almost black depending on the amount of exposure.
